Saturday, May 26, 2012

More sightings

I am seeing them everywhere now. Almost like he's trying to taunt me. That bastard...

I just wish I knew if I was hallucinating or not. Only one time have I actually interacted with him recently.

I was driving again. And I saw him again. And I rammed the fucker. I was out in the middle of nowhere, driving East. He was just standing there in the middle of the road, like he had nothing to fear. Shows him. I smashed into him and watched him smash into the hood of the car, black blood spraying everywhere. Only then did I realize that she was behind me in the road, Having flown all the way through the car windows. I unbuckled and ran out as fast as I could only to find her gone. She disappeared from my grasp again. This time It's all my fault. I'll never forgive myself for this.

But I held in the tears and walked back to the car. He was still there, not completely dead, but not even close to alive. I raised my foot, heard some garbled scream, then smashed his head open. And red blood went everywhere.



  1. It seems your crimes may not have been entirely our fault, Casey. I'm afraid you will soon take a turn for the worst.


  2. Smile?
    you've picked quite some time to show up. what the fuck do you want me to do?

    and casey...It's going to be ok. But don't be fooled by the fact that you made it bleed. He could be trying to make you think he has some form of weakness or something. I don't know...but just keep moving and dont try to interact with him if you can help it.
